Glucose Revolution: Book Review

Lose weight, stop cravings, get your energy back, and still eat what you love!”

Right to the point, this book can save your life!

It can add “healthy” years or even decades to your fleeting time on this earth that you have to spend with your children, grandkids and the love of your life.

This book teaches you how to love yourself, feed & nourish yourself and put yourself in a position to live your life to your full potential…physically, mentally and as God intended. 

This is a serious book that offers serious promises. Promises of a happy healthier life. 

We are always seeking the secret to health, weight loss, beating disease…well this book is sharing one of those secrets. 

Be smart and READ it…and then ACT on it. Change doesn't come from merely knowing, you have to take action.

Essential Book Information

  • Title: Glucose Revolution

  • Author: Jessie Inchauspe

  • Year Published: 2022

  • Available to purchase:  Amazon

Summary of Book

The author of Glucose Revolution, Jessie Inchauspe, is a biochemist who took her health issues into her own hands by tracking her glucose spikes for an entire year, with the help of a continuous glucose monitor.

What she found amazed her and really solidified the science behind it all.

Based on the results of her year-long experiment she was able to develop hacks that help flatten glucose spikes and improve our health & quality of life.

She wrote this book to share what she had learned & experienced through her own journey, as well as the personal testimonials of transformation she gleaned from her online community @glucosegoddess.

She paints a very clear picture of her discoveries that we can all easily achieve.

This book teaches you what glucose is (your body's preferred source of energy to burn), what glucose spikes are (“spikes are rapid increases and drops in glucose concentration after we eat”) and how they harm your body.

The book offers not only an understanding of what we are doing to our bodies with the food we eat, but also offers a number of easy to follow hacks that will help you reduce your own glucose spikes and improve your overall health.

The premise is you don't have to overhaul your current way of fueling your body (aka eating), but by using a few hacks you can drastically reduce your blood sugar spikes and in turn reverse the negative side effects that are caused by the foods you eat. 

A few of the hacks that my family and I tried were a spoonful of vinegar before eating (the kids reactions alone are worth trying this one ha ha), veggies first during the meal (changing the order of what you are already eating) and moving after a meal…we chose to dance as a family to some Just Dance videos on YouTube.

It was super fun, we felt great afterwards and it really helped prevent us from over eating so that we could keep up with the moves. FYI Rasputin was our favorite followed by Gangnam Style. Both are surprisingly a great workout.

Praise and Critique

I watched a podcast interview with this woman who claims that if you drink vinegar before your meal you can finish it with a chocolate cake dessert and not harm your body in the same way, actually drastically reducing the damage of the beloved cake.



I was super intrigued by what this woman was talking about. After listening to what happens in the body after eating food, all the negative symptoms that are associated with our current diets and how easily we can start to reverse these issues…I was sold.

I watched several more podcasts with her speaking about it and knew I had to read this book. Which I did in a few short days.

This book is great.

Most of the info in the book I had already picked up from her interviews, but her addition of graphs illustrating sugar spikes was well worth the purchase of the book.

To see with your own eyes the comparisons really painted a clear picture of what can happen and what to do to correct it.

The main premise is don't change what you eat, but change the order of how you eat. By using a few hacks you can drastically reduce your blood sugar spikes and in turn reverse the negative side effects. 

My Recommendation

This book is for anyone who wants to live longer, healthier, while still enjoying the luxuries of food. It is for those who want to understand nutrition and their body without taking any biology classes but still getting trusted information.

My Rating

No surprise…I give this book a 5 out of 5.

I thought this book was well written, easy to read and understand considering the specialized content. I also gave it a high rating because it was easy to follow and achieve the results in my own life.

Thanks for reading and share any thoughts you have on the book below!