Finding Forty: Beliefs

I believe we all have a purpose for our lives. This purpose represents the true essence of who we are, our core values, how we contribute to society, how we live our lives every single day and the freedom that we gain from that. This purposeful lifestyle is filled with passion & meaning and is our gift from God.

I believe that our purpose is not one individual “thing”, but it is our life as a whole. This holistic life purpose is what we do everyday, what we feel, what we share, what we achieve, what we create and how we show love for our life.

I know if we are truly aligned with this purpose we will live happier, healthier lives filled with abundance, wisdom and freedom. 

I believe that we already contain the secrets to our purpose and that it is our own individual duty to unlock them and design our life around them. Living our purpose on this earth is entirely up to us. God placed this purpose & desire in our hearts for us to uncover and design our lives around. Once we have our plan, He will lead us on our journey. “In their hearts humans plan their course, but the Lord establishes their steps.” Prov. 16:9

There is purpose within us all and discovering it is achievable for each and every one of us. God created you with this unique purpose for it to be shared with the world and not hidden within you. Uncover your purpose, design your dream life and share your gifts.