Finding Forty: The Process to Purpose

Throughout the process of finding your life’s purpose you will learn about yourself through self-discovery. For those of you who are stuck not knowing who you are or who you want to be and are unsure where to even start…this process I used is an easy way to uncover it all and it is also a lot of fun.

The easiest way to uncover who you truly are, when you are completely unsure is by using tools that “label” you. I don’t mean a label in the sense that it 100% defines who you are and that you must act only according to it, but it is an easy way to organize your traits & qualities in a way that can easily be quantified. You will see character patterns & traits and from this “label” you will piece together your own uniqueness. It is nothing more than a tool to pull information and it is not intended to limit you to a category or define what your purpose has to be to fit it.

For instance, I am an Advocate, INFJ, I am an Aquarius on the cusp of Pisces, I am an Empath and a Highly Sensitive person. I am a Keen Foreseer and a Quite Crusader…this will most likely mean nothing to you right now, unless you are my soul sister, but for the majority of you if you take this journey with me you will better understand this about me and discover your own “labels”. Not who you are but an adequate description of your traits, interest and how you feel…what make you tick. If you are stuck in the journey to find yourself…any little tools will help and that is all this is…a tool to draw out your awareness of who you are and what it is you desire out of life. It is not to trap you in a label, but to open you to many possibilities you may have locked away.

After the Discovery Process that reveals your authentic self, values, personality and purpose…it is only then that you can Design & Plan your life and start achieving your dreams & goals.

I have learned from my experiences good & the bad and can help lead those not as close to their dreams as me on their journey to a purpose filled life. For those ahead of me…I can just encourage and support you. I don’t live the perfect life and definitely don’t have all the answers, but I do love searching for them and that is what I promise to do….